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Lighting Pole Terminals - Screw Connection

Lighting Pole Terminals - Screw Connection
Elmex Lighting Pole Terminals offer safe and reliable termination solutions for Street Light Wiring requirements. The special construction of Lighting Pole Terminals ensures minimum junctions unlike contemporary Terminal Blocks, thus making them suitable for long distance wiring without much heat generation and minimum voltage drop A solid Copper Alloy Piece functions as Currently Carrying part and Wire Clamping unit. Lighting Pole Terminals come in two varieties - one with two input and one output, and the other with three inputs and one output. The first variety is suitable for continuous wiring across the length of streets. The second variety offers a facility for taking a 'T' junction as an additional feature. The elmex range includes Lighting Pole Terminals suitable for 25 sq mm and 35 sq mm wires. elmex offers Allen Key operated or Screw Driver operated terminals